From here, you can select any icon on the map to learn how many followers you’ll earn for successfully completing it, as well as the cash you’ll receive. Use the game’s overworld map to zoom out all the way and get a view of the entire United States - on PlayStation 4, you can quickly pull up the map by hitting the touchpad on your controller. It isn’t particularly difficult to hit “icon” in a few days, but you have to know which events to do. As you rise to “popular,” “famous,” “star,” and “icon” status, you’ll unlock additional types of vehicles and events to complete. Initially, you’ll be a “rookie” and you’ll only be able to compete with a few different types of vehicles, with your first few unlocked for free as you try out the different events. Whether you’re in a speed race, a motocross event, or are just doing loops in your plane for fun, you’ll constantly be earning new followers. Instead, you’re tasked with becoming a famous racer by competing in events and raising the total number of “followers” you have.
Unlike in the original 2014 The Crew, The Crew 2 doesn’t feature heavy scripted storytelling to get your character to the “end” of the game.